The Burden Is Light - Jon Tyson Review

Before reading this book I had heard of Jon Tyson but had never read anything by him, but after seeing that Banning Liebscher endorsed the book I decided to read it. The Burden Is Light is about “liberating your life from the tyranny of performance and success.” The author accomplishes this in eight chapters. Each one centers around a common burdensome character trait and the biblical solution to it. He covers topics like comparison/calling, control/surrender, and distraction/presence. I highly recommend this book. 

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 

JON TYSON is a widely respected church planter and leader in New York City. Originally from Adelaide, Australia, Jon moved to the United States almost twenty years ago with a passion to seek and cultivate renewal in the Western Church. Jon has spoken at Q Conference, Catalyst, Verge Network, The New Wine Conference, and other key venues around the world. He is often sought out for his insights on how culture and faith intersect, and is known for his preaching, which is a rare combination of passion and depth. Jon lives in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan with his wife and two children.


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