A Contrarian’s Guide To Knowing God - Larry Osborne book review

The subtitle of this book, Spirituality For The Rest Of Us, is the perfect description of this book. Larry Osborne explains what true spirituality is, even though it may not look like the standard religious understanding. He sums this up in the first chapter: “I wondering why I kept running across so many godly people who felt so ungodly. I now realize it had more to do with our faulty definitions of spirituality than anything else. In most cases, these people felt like spiritual failures not because they were far from God, but because they’d been unable to live up to generally accepted measures of spirituality.” I highly recommend this book. 

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 

About Larry Osborne

Larry Osborne is a pastor, author and leadership consultant. He has a passion for helping Christian leaders in both the secular and church world succeed and fulfill their God-given calling. Since 1980, he has served as a senior pastor at North Coast Church in Vista, CA. During that time, North Coast has grown from a fledging group of 128 meeting in a high school cafeteria to a multi-site church with over 12,000 in weekend attendance. Larry has a passion for leadership, spiritual formation, and discipleship. As a nationally recognized trainer of pastors, leaders, and church planters, he travels extensively, speaking at conferences and mentoring events.
His books include: Thriving in BabylonAccidental Pharisees, A Contrarian’s Guide to Knowing God10 Dumb Things Smart Christians BelieveSticky TeamsSticky Church, Sticky LeadersLead Like a ShepherdMission Creep, and The Unity Factor. Larry holds both a Master of Divinity and Doctorate degree from Talbot Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Nancy, live in Oceanside, CA. They have three married children and an increasing number of grandchildren.


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