The Spiritual Gifts Handbook - Randy Clark and Mary Healy book review
In The Spiritual Gifts Handbook Randy Clark(a charismatic healing minister) and Mary Healy(a Catholic Bible scholar) discuss the controversial issue of spiritual gifts. Many argue over whether the gifts are still around today and if so, which ones. Clark and Healy would both agree that all the gifts are still active and available to all believers. The authors attempt to show the reader the biblical and historical evidence for the gifts and get rid of any confusion many have regarding the gifts. They also define and explain the function of a wide variety of the gifts. The book shows both the Protestant and Catholic view of the gifts. I highly recommend this book. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Randy Clark , with a D.Min. from United Theological Seminary and a M.Div. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is the founder of Global Awakening (, a teaching, healing, and impartation minist...