Eyewitness to Miracles - Randy Clark review

I have known of Randy Clark for a while, but Eyewitness to Miracles is the first book I have read by him. This book is divided into two parts: The Evidence for the Miraculous and The Problem With Miracles in the Western Mind-Set. In part one, Randy tells the stories of the miraculous in his ministry with chapters like The Blind See, The Lame Walk, and The Dead Are Raised. In part two, he gives arguments about why the miraculous is still for today while explaining the theological and philosophical reasons why many don’t believe in miracles. I highly recommend this book. 

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 

Randy Clark, with a DMin from United Theological Seminary, is the founder of Global Awakening, a teaching, healing, and impartation ministry that crosses denominational lines. An in-demand international speaker, he leads the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening and travels extensively for conferences, international missions, leadership training, and humanitarian aid. Randy and his wife, DeAnne, live in Pennsylvania.


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