The Complete Guide To Dream Interpretation - Marsha Trimble Dunstan book review

I had never heard of the author before this book, but seeing that the foreword was written by Mike Bickle, I thought it was worth a try. In The Complete Guide To Dream Interpretation, Marsha Trimble Dunstan introduces the reader to a method of dream interpretation that looks at symbols in dreams and tries to interpret these symbols using biblical metaphors. For example, a sword could represent the Word of God and wind could represent the Holy Spirit.

In addition to providing this method of biblical dream interpretation, Dunstan also attempts to give a biblical basis for prophetic dreams, answer common questions about dreams, and clear up any misconceptions people might have concerning dreams. She also shares her personal journey with dream interpretation and gives many examples of dreams and their interpretations. One of the most interesting things about this book is the dream symbol dictionary at the end. It contains over 3,800 entries and almost all of them have biblical references. Even so, the author warns that this book is meant to be a tool to assist in dream interpretation and is obviously not infallible. She says that every dream that seems to have a symbolic meaning should be interpretated with the help of the Holy Spirit     . I highly recommend this book but caution the reader not to rely solely on it and not on the Holy Spirit.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Marsha Trimble Dunstan has been helping others understand their dreams for over 15 years, after receiving training through John Paul Jackson's Institute for Spiritual Development. She now runs a dream interpretation and teaching ministry from her church and provides free teaching and interpretation for people as a ministry of her church and through her website at She resides in Kansas City, Missouri.



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